what’s my age again
I just read an article that stated people over the age of 30 shouldn’t use emojis. I didn’t really get very far into the article because no amount of words could ever get me to come around to the author’s premise. Personally, I don’t use emojis very much, but I will go to bat for your right to do so no matter what your age.
There are a lot of articles like this floating around. What women over 40 shouldn’t wear. What music people over 35 shouldn’t be listening to. People policing our tastes, our entertainment, our daily lives, based on our ages.
The thing is, it’s none of your business. I’m 55 years old and if I want to listen to emo music until I’m 75 or 80, it’s not your worry. Angst isn’t ust for the young, you know. To ridicule or scorn someone because they’re past a supposed age for their entertainment of choice is to be narrow-minded, shallow and somewhat cruel.
Telling people of a certain age what they can or can’t do is a form of bullying and ageist as hell. We live in a society that values youth and tends to disregard those of a certain age. Getting older is hard enough without having others tell us how to live. Don’t wear heels. Don’t dye your hair. Don’t eat chicken nuggets. Don’t listen to heavy metal. Don’t use emojis. So many rules to getting older! It’s hard to keep track of what we’re actually allowed to do without fear of being made fun of.
If it doesn’t affect you, back off. What I wear or enjoy has no bearing on your life. Tsk-tsking me for taking pleasure in something because I’m too “old” is elitist. What are you going to do when you turn 30? 40? 50? You going to sell all your records and turn them in for some Barry Manilow? Going to toss your smartphone in the river? Get off twitter? Buy a new wardrobe? Get a sensible haircut?
Maybe these are the things that keep us feeling young. No one wants to get old. Hell, I wrote a whole essay about that this weekend. Simple things like using emojis or wearing a band t-shirt can keep the “I feel old” demons at bay. Why take that away from someone?
There’s no magic age at which you become too old for something you’ve always enjoyed. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Own what you like. The haters don’t matter, and some day they will find themselves on the receiving end of those myriad articles and they’ll get it.
A few years ago, I was listening to some music and my son said to me, “You’re 50 and you’re listening to Anthrax??”
To which I replied “Scott Ian is 50 and he’s in Anthrax.”
Live your life. Fuck everyone who tries to get in the way of that.